Lions Multiple District 6 Logo


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Development Programs


Leadership lmage

Candidates for this institute must be from Colorado, Wyoming, Idaho, Utah, or New Mexico. This is for Lions that want to move up and focuses on building the skills as Lions leaders. To Prepare for leadership responsibility at the club, zone, regional and District level. 2022 Leadership Institute Application

Review qualifications and other information.


Emerging Lions Leadership Institutes

Training to prepare Lions for leadership positions at the club level. Emerging Lions Leadership Institutes focus on building the skills of Lions members for leadership opportunities at the club level, including the position of club president.

Candidates must be Lions in good standing who have successfully served on a club committee and who have not yet attained the level of club president. Current charter club presidents are also eligible for this institute.

Check out Emerging Lions Leadership Institutes for more information.

Advanced Lions Leadership Institutes

Training to prepare Lions for leadership positions at the district level. Advanced Lions Leadership Institutes focus on building the skills of Lions leaders to prepare them for leadership responsibilities at zone, region and district levels.

Qualified candidates are Lions that have completed a successful term as club president, but have not yet attained the position of First Vice District Governor.

Check out Advanced Lions Leadership Institutes for more information.